I support Compassion



It pains me to admit this, but I will flip through my friends' Facebook profiles when I'm bored. Okay, it had better pain you, as well, because you know you do it, too. Anyway, I was particularly interested by all the different descriptions next to the "Religious Views" line.

There are so many different ways to describe a relationship with the Trinity, and I find it fascinating.

So, naturally, I start to think: where's mine? How come I don't have a sweet, resounding, specifically-descriptive phrase to put on my profile? Thinking about this further made me change my mind. After reading the book The Great Omission by Dallas Willard (incredible book, I will let you borrow it if you want), I've put a lot of emphasis on myself to be covered in the dust of Christ, as Rob Bell puts it-- to desire to become a perfect copy of him so much that I end up right up on him wherever he goes. After all, this is what his disciples did. And what dirty feet they had!

So is that my phrase? "Disciple of Christ"?

No. It's not good enough for me. Of course, I admit my faults... I'm going to be the last one to admit that I'm perfect. But I do not desire to be a mere disciple... I want to be like my rabbi! That's the goal! But I can never be him, right? Hmmm... that makes me... a lesser version of Jesus Christ. A more human facsimile of the Son of God. A little Christ. Oh-- wait.


That'll do.


Jessica and Erika said...

well put. :)

and yes. i do browse people's profiles when i'm bored.


Anonymous said...

this was so interesting, james. you use words well to make your point